Mesin bungkus rotasi putaran bunder

Mesin bungkus rotasi putaran bunder

Kapitan Mesin, Mesin Capping Rotary
Product Product Round Bottle Rotary Capping Machine Mesin iki nggabungake botol-in, cap-sorter, cap-elevator, capping lan out-out. Struktur putar, nyekel tutup ing posisi tartamtu, stabil lan dipercaya. Ora cilaka botol lan tutup. Efisiensi capping sing dhuwur, tingkat capping sing dhuwur, lan aplikasi sudhut sing bisa saingan apik sing bisa dibandhingake karo produk manca. Iki ditrapake kanggo beda-beda ukuran kaca lan plastik lan tutup plastik. Prinsip operasional yaiku kanthi nggunakake plat gores kanggo nutupi tutup kasebut nalika botol rotine. Mesin wutuh dikontrol dening…
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Otomatis Mesin Kepiting Ruff Screw Plot Plot Plot kanthi otomatis

Otomatis Mesin Kepiting Ruff Screw Plot Plot Plot kanthi otomatis

Kapitan Mesin, Mesin Capping ROPP
The equipment is suitable for the sealing equipment of ROPP aluminum threaded anti-theft caps. The equipment is easy to operate and has stable performance. It is an ideal equipment for food and beverage, wine industry, medicine and health care, chemical industry, cosmetics and other enterprises Product Description Capping Head: Single head Cap Size: 15-50mm, 50-100mm Bottle Size: Φ20-φ130mm Bottle Height: 50-320mm Capping Speed: 10-60 bottles/min Voltage: 220V Power: 550W-1000W Weight: 300kg Size: 1500*800*1600mm The machine adopts frequency converter control, the drive mechanism applies cam principle, the disc cutter is positioned, and the screw cap of the round thread cap is…
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Mesin otomatis bisa ngisi Mesin kanggo ngombe

Mesin otomatis bisa ngisi Mesin kanggo ngombe

Bisa Ngisi Mesin
Product Introduction VK-PF automatic aluminum can filling machine for drinks is extremely flexible filler, especial for liquid from thin viscous to high density , such as water, oil, lotion, cream, Jam, sauce, honey, ketchup and so on. It is mostly used in the chemicals, foodstuff and pharmaceuticals industry. The spare parts are proceeding by CNC machines with imported high quality stainless steel, all the main components are imported from Japan, German, Italy and America. Full automatic ,controlled by PLC, operate by touch screen, easy operate and almost no need maintaining. The automatic aluminum can filling machine for drinks is manufactured…
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Mesin Label Botol Stiker Botol otomatis Kanggo Kalangan

Mesin Label Botol Stiker Botol otomatis Kanggo Kalangan

Labeling Machines, Mesin Labeling Botol Putaran
Pambuka 1.1 Komponen konstruksi tugas tugas kanthi akeh nggunakake komponen aluminium lan baja stainless steel sajrone pirang-pirang layanan sing bisa dipercaya. 1,2 macem-macem sistem infeed Product bisa migunani sing nyedhiyakake jarak lan orientasi produk. Bisa digunakake kanthi siji utawa terpadu ing baris lan kacepetan peralatan sing cocog. 1.3 Aplikator undhak-undhakan torsi mikro-level torsi dhuwur kalebu kemampuan offset lan katrampilan cepet kanggo aplikasi akurat lan dipercaya saka macem-macem bahan label. 1.4 Dirancang kanggo aplikasi label ngarep lan / utawa panel mburi kanthi kemampuan kanggo label kontaner sing bunder, alun-alun, bujur utawa persegi panjang.
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Mesin label Apotek Apotek kanthi otomatis kanggo Jarum Botol Minuman

Mesin label Apotek Apotek kanthi otomatis kanggo Jarum Botol Minuman

Mesin Label Dobel, Labeling Machines
Mesin label Deskripsi Produsine yaiku mesin kacepetan rendah sing bisa nganti 3000 botol saben jam 5 galon, nanging nganggo PLC, motor servo lan konverter frekuensi. Uga nganggo modul posisi supaya njamin label casting tepat, cepet lan stabil. Fitur 1. Mesin kabeh nggunakake baja stainless steel sing berkualitas lan kualitase aloi aluminium, kompak lan cukup, gampang diatur; 2. Bingkai gulung film sing nyilikake nganggo piranti sing bisa diatur, gampang diatur miturut label volume sing beda 5 ″ ~ 10. Tabung kertas. 3. Mung nginstal, banjur bisa digunakake kanggo botol kothak lan bunder. 4. Ora…
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Mesin Pengisi Sisa Kandel Semi-Otomatis Semi-Otomatis

Mesin Pengisi Sisa Kandel Semi-Otomatis Semi-Otomatis

Mesin Pengisi, Mesin Pengisi Piston
Spesifikasi komponen utama sing misuwur ing dunya; 2.thick saus mesin isi; 3.high ngisi tliti; 4.anti-drip ngisi sirah kasedhiya Mesin nama: mesin semi sambel piston semi-otomatis Pengenalan mesin Iki mesin ngisi seri minangka divisi anyar sing dikembangake menyang perusahaan kita dhewe miturut teknologi manca maju. Nganggo prinsip metering jinis piston, nggabungake listrik kanthi fungsi pneumatik dadi akeh, kayata, desain sing cocog, struktur kompak, kinerja stabil lan dipercaya, pangukuran sing akurat, entheng lan fleksibilitas, adaptasi sing apik, gampang digunakake lan liya-liyane . Seri iki ngisi mesin utamane saka rong spesies: Tunggal sirah lan…
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Mesin Pangisi Madu Tunggal-Kepala Semi-Otomatis

Mesin Pangisi Madu Tunggal-Kepala Semi-Otomatis

Mesin Pengisi, Mesin Ngisi Madu
Pambuka mesin ngisi kenthel semi-otomatis: Seri ngisi mesin iki minangka divisi anyar sing dikembangake menyang perusahaan dhewe miturut teknologi manca maju. Nganggo prinsip metering jinis piston, nggabungake listrik kanthi fungsi pneumatik dadi akeh, kayata, desain sing cocog, struktur kompak, kinerja stabil lan dipercaya, pangukuran sing akurat, entheng lan fleksibilitas, adaptasi sing apik, gampang digunakake lan liya-liyane . Seri mesin ngisi utamane, kalebu rong spesies: Tunggal sirah lan sirah kaping pindho (Produk sing ora ditentukake kanthi pirang-pirang sirah bisa diatur.). Kanggo nyukupi kebutuhan pelanggan, saben spesies uga bisa digawe ...
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Semi Mesin Pengisi Madu Lliquid Tinggi Semi Otomatis

Semi Mesin Pengisi Madu Lliquid Tinggi Semi Otomatis

Mesin Pengisi, Mesin Ngisi Madu
The model of the filling machines which made by our factory is according to the maximum filling volume of the customer’s request. Specific models VKPAK- 5 (5-60ml) VKPAK-10 (10-120ml) VKPAK-25 (25-250ml) VKPAK-50 (50-500ml) VKPAK-100 (100-1000ml) VKPAK-250 (250-2500 ml) VKPAK-500 (500-5000 ml)  Feature A. All adopt compressed air as the control, so they are quite suitable for the use in the request of anti-explosion environment, has high safety. B. Does not occur the phenomenon of static electricity, the leakage of electricity and no need to connect the ground wire C. All adopt pneumatic control besides hardware positioning, so they have high…
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Mesin Penetup Ketchup Otomatis Kanthi Kanthi Tutup Otomatis

Mesin Penetup Ketchup Otomatis Kanthi Kanthi Tutup Otomatis

Mesin Pengisi, Mesin Pengisi Ketchup
Features VK-PF This series filling machine is suitable for filling viscosity liquid, such as cream,lotion, shampoo, sauce,honey,ketchup, and other viscous liquid. Automatic controlled by computer (PLC), touch screen control panels. Totally enclose form, submergence filling, high measurement accuracy. Compact and perfect feature, liquid cylinder and conduits easy dismount and clean. it also may suited various figure Containers. Configuration and performance, features 1.Adopt German original SIEMENS (Siemens) PLC control(or Mitsubishi PLC) to ensure  the performance stability of the system. 2. Select imported electricity, pneumatic control components, with stable performance. 3. Photoelectric detection system adopts German products, with reliable quality. 4.The leading…
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Otomatis 4 kepala Mesin Pengisi Detektif

Otomatis 4 kepala Mesin Pengisi Detektif

Mesin Pangisi Bener, Mesin Pengisi
Automatic 4 heads Detergent Filling Machine is an extremely flexible filler capable of filling accurately and rapidly any viscosity liquids. Product delivery from your bulk tank to the pistons can be configured with a buffer tank utilizing a level-sensing float, a manifold with direct draw, or recirculation methods. The Automatic 4 heads Detergent Filling Machine is manufactured with a 304 stainless steel frame and is capable of supporting 1 to 12 fill nozzles PLC Controls, touch screen, food grade contact parts, stainless steel and anodized aluminum construction, plus many more features come standard. VKPAK Automatic 4 heads Detergent Filling Machine…
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