Mesin Pengisi Powder Otomatis Anyar

Omah / Mesin Pengisi / Mesin Pengisi Powder Otomatis Anyar

mesin ngisi bubuk kopi otomatis anyar

VK-PAF new automatic coffee powder filling machine

VK-PAF Powder Automatic Filling And Capping Machine is our main product, with very high precision. Bottle or can can be conveyed along conveyor to the powder filling machine, then the sensor will detect the bottle, the filling head will start the powder filling into bottles or cans. No bottle no filling.


1. kanthi ekonomi

2. kanthi tliti ngisi tliti, tliti tliti bisa dadi 1%, dene standar nasional 2%

3.Plc sistem kontrol

Sistem tilak

Struktur 5.compact, gampang dilakokno

6.wulune: disesuaikan

7.capacity: disesuaikan (bisa nggawe Isi multi-kepala)

Parameter Teknis

Max. kapasitas30-60 Botol / min
Range Isi lan Metering0.5-20g
Tegangan380v 50-60 HZ Telung tahap
Tekanan Udara6-8KG / CM2
Ukuran Sakabèhé2500*1400*1600


1 mesin ngisi bubuk sirup otomatis
2 bagean kontak yaiku 316SS
3 Anti-gulung lan Leakeage

Rincian cepet

Jinis: Mesin Isi
Kondisi: Anyar
Aplikasi: Pangan, Kedokteran, Kimia, Mesin & Hardware
Jinis Kemasan: Botol, Kapsul
Bahan Kemasan: Plastik, Kaca
Gred otomatis: Otomatis
Jenis Dipandu: Listrik
Tegangan: 220V phase siji
Daya: 2KW
Panggonan Asal: Shanghai, China (Mainland)
Brand Name: VKPAKnew automatic coffee powder filling machine
Model Number: VK-PAF new automatic coffee powder filling machine
Ukuran (L * W * H): 2500 * 1400 * 1600
Bobot: 550KG
Sertifikasi: CE ISO9001
Layanan sawise adol sing diwenehake: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo mesin layanan ing luar negeri
Model: VK-PAF new automatic coffee powder filling machine
Fungsi: Ngisi bubuk menyang tutup lan tutup sekrup
Isi volume: 0.5G-20G 20G- 50G 50G-100G 100G-500G