Mesin Kepasang Cap Kapital ROPP / Mesin Kepingan Botol kanthi otomatis

Omah / Kapitan Mesin / Mesin Kepasang Cap Kapital ROPP / Mesin Kepingan Botol kanthi otomatis

Automatic Multi Head ROPP Cap Capping Machine

This automatic sealing capping machine is mainly used for disposable aluminum caps of pilfer proof, and the advantages are as below:

1. Tight seal: there is no slot,no scratch on the sealing.

2. Large scope of application: The sealing head adopts four claw(knife) balanced type,and put a even force when sealing, first make the cap deformation according to the bottle mouth shape, and then pushing thread and flanging.

3. Small damage rate: positioning devices of the bottle mouth ensures the bottle mouth is positioned to the sealing head accurately,to increase the utilization rate of caps.

4. High automation:this machine is equipped with automatic cap arranging and cap hanging device, and can be equipped with cap loading device.

5. Long Life: the sealing head is made from

Sampeyan ngerti:

Mesin cucuk tutup tutup mesin / tutup cap kanthi otomatis kaping pirang-pirang kanthi kapenuhan kanggo ngisi mata-tetes.E-Cairan menyang macem-macem bunder lan gendul plastik lan kaca kanthi kisaran saka2- 30ml. mesin.

Mesin Kepasang COP RJPP Multi Kepala ROPP / mesin tutup botol menehi piring biasa kanggo

posisi, gabus lan tutup; cam nyepetake ndadekake kepala capping munggah lan mudhun; pam prima ngukur volume isi; lan layar tutul ngontrol kabeh tumindak. Ora ana botol sing ora ngisi lan ora ngipiji.

Mesin Kepasang COP RJPP Multi Kepala ROPP / mesin tutup tutup botol iku pompa keramik. Gampang ngresiki. Bisa kanggo nyandhang lan nyuwek. Ora ana O-ring lan gasket pompa, saengga ora ana kekurangan, lan aja najis. Kajaba iku, tliti tliti tliti iki dhuwur.

Mesin Kepasang COP RJPP Multi Kepala ROPP / mesin cap tutup botol nggunakake torsi transversal lan unit slipping otomatis. Dadi ora babar pisan nutupi tutup. Botol ora manut karo sirah capping, turntable ora babar pisan kanggo botol, saengga desain kasebut nglindhungi bahan-bahan kemasan. Mesin dikontrol dening layar tutul lan digawe weker.

Watak khas

1, Man-machine dialogue system setting, visual convenient operation ,accurate filling level.

2, the mainframe running speed is stopless frequency conversion.

3, the product quantity can be controlled.

4, Multi-failure prompt function (such as infrabar, no filling and no inserting plug etc).

5, Automatic stop function, if there is no filling, no inner plug in any rail, it may stop automatically.

Rincian cepet

Jinis: Mesin Capping, Mesin Capping
Aplikasi: Minuman, Kimia, Komoditas, Medis
Jenis Dipandu: Listrik
Gred otomatis: Otomatis
Tegangan: 380V 60HZ
Daya: 2kw
Jinis Kemasan: Botol
Bahan Kemasan: Kayu
Panggonan Asal: Shanghai, China (Mainland)
Brand Name: VKPAK
Model Number: VKPAK-30
Ukuran (L * W * H): 1800 * 1000 * 1500mm
Bobot: 550KG
Sertifikasi: CE
Layanan sawise adol sing diwenehake: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo mesin layanan ing luar negeri
fungsi: Isi botol E-Cairan, masang plug, capping
produk sing cocog: Tambak cair / mripat / botol / topi
Isi e-Cairan: 2-30ml.
Kapasitas produksi: 30-50bottle / min
sirah capping: sirah tunggal
Tingkat kualifikasi: ≥99%
kepala fillinng: sirah tunggal
Sistem kontrol: PLC